Featured Presentations
Dr Ward is a recognized authority on Smile Design. His landmark research on Proportional Smile Design was featured on the cover of Dentistry Today. This widely read publication is distributed to all dentists in the United States and Canada.
His method of objective smile design entitled the RED Proportion was preferred by dentists surveyed and was published in the peer reviewed Journal of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry.

Dr Ward has presented over 300 continuing dental education courses. He has lectured throughout the world and was invited to present to the annual meetings of the American Dental Association, Academy of General Dentistry, American Society for Dental Aesthetics, American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, Chicago MidWinter Meeting, California Dental Association, Greater New York Dental Meeting, Carl O Boucher Prosthodontic Conference, the International Aesthetic Congress in Istanbul, Turkey, and the UNAM International Congress in Mexico City. He has lectured in India, Poland, Czech Republic, Austria, Hungary, Vietnam, Canada, and Korea. He has been involved with the Post-Graduate Programs in Esthetic Dentistry (continuing education) at SUNY Buffalo, University of Minnesota, and the University of Florida and served as Chief Examiner of the programs.
In addition to lecturing to dentists, Dr Ward has presented programs throughout the community. His informative "New Developments in Dentistry" is a 20-30 minute overview of the latest advances in dentistry. It is designed to educate the consumer about new procedures and techniques. If you would be interested in having him speak to your group please contact us.
Textbook Chapter
Ward DH Chu SJ, Stappert CH. Proportional Smile Design. In Ronald E Goldstein's Esthetics in Dentistry 3 ed. Philadelphia:John Wiley and Sons, 2018; 242-69.
- Ward DH. Proportional Smile Design Using the Recurring Esthetic Dental Proportion. Dent Clin North Am 2001;45:143-154.
Rosenstiel SF, Ward DH, Rashid RG. Dentists' preferences of anterior tooth proportion - A Web-based Study. J Prosthodont 2000;9:123-136.
Ward DH. Predictable Esthetic Indirect Restorations. Compend 2003;24(8):48-52.
Ward DH.An Innovative, Heat-Accelerated In-Office Whitening Technique for Nonvital Teeth. DentToday 2003;22(12):56-59.
Ward DH. Treating Patients with CARE. Dent Today 2004 23(8):60-65.
Ward DH. Esthetic Restoration of Tooth Structure Using a Nanofill Composite System. Compend. 2005 252-257.
Ward DH. Predictable Reliable Interproximal Method to Obtain Proper Contacts. Contemp Esthet Restor Pract 2005; 9(9):18-23.
Ward DH. Using Resin-Modified Glass Ionomer Liners and Bases to Effectively Reduce Post-operative Sensitivity Under Direct Composite Restorations. Inside Dent 2006; 2(3): 66-68.
Ward DH. The Vision of Digital Dental Photography. Dent Today 2007;26(5):100-105.
Ward DH. A Study of Dentists" Preferred Maxillary Anterior Tooth Width Proportions: Comparing the Recurring Esthetic Dental Proportion to Other Mathematical and Naturally Occurring Proportions. J Esthet Restor Dent 2007; 19:323-336.
Ward DH. Using the RED Proportion to Engineer the Perfect Smile. Dent Today 2008 27(5) 112-117.
Ward DH. Esthetic Replacement of Failing Amalgam Restorations. Inside Dent 2008 4(8) 88-91.
Ward DH. Glass Ionomers:A Therapeutic Alternative to Direct Composite Restorations.Oral Health 2009;100(4):43-48.
Ward DH. The New Liner Lineup. Inside Dent 2010;6(10):94-98.
Ward DH. 20 Tips for Using Glass Ionomers. J Cosmetic Dent 2011;27(3):74-80.
Ward DH. Glass Ionomers:The Other White Direct Restorative Material. Wisdom 2012;11(3):5-6.
Ward DH. Simplified Composite Placement Techniques for Predictable Posterior Restorations. Oral Health 2012;102(4):50-54.
Ward DH. Using the RED Proportion Template to Create a Beautiful Smile. Oral Health 2014;104(4):102-106.
Ward DH. Predictable Techniques for Successful Provisional Restorations. Inside Dent 2014 ;10(12):56-59.
Ward DH. Broadening the Spectrum of Use for Glass Ionomer Restorations. Dent Today 2014;33(12):62-66.
Ward DH. Smile Design by the Numbers. Oral Health 2015;105(4):80-86.
Ward DH. Proportional Smile Design: Using the Recurring Esthetic Dental Proportion to Correlate the Widths and Lengths of the Maxillary Anterior Teeth with the Size of the Face. Dent Clin North Am 2015; 59(3):623-38.
Ward DH. The Evolution of Glass Ionomer Restorative Materials. Oral Health 2016;106(12):24-29.
Ward DH. Creating Natural-Looking Composite Restorations Using Different Layering Techniques, Materials and the Erbium YAG Laser. Oral Health 2017;107(4):28-34.
Ward DH. Minimally Invasive Smile Rejuvenation. Oral Health 2019;109(4):8-18.
Ward DH. Technology in Minimally Invasive Dentistry. Oral Health 2019;109(7):23-29.
Ward DH. Fiber Reinforced Composite Post and Core Techniques. Inside Dent 2021;17(10):31-4.
Ward DH. Decisions, Decisions, Decisions: Choosing the Optimal All-ceramic Crowns. Oral Health 2022;112(4):10-23.
Other Articles and Citations
In addition Dr Ward published a series of columns in Esthetic Dentistry Update entitled "Test Yourself." His research has been cited in numerous articles and in the textbook "The Science and Art of Porcelain Laminate Veneers" by Dr Galip Gürel. His articles have been translated and published into other languages throughout the world.
Dr Ward has appeared on television and radio. He has been interviewed in magazines and newspapers. His comments have been quoted in the media on subjects ranging from tooth whitening to smile design.