Direct Composite Bonding
The ability to add tooth colored filling material to the surface of a tooth started the aesthetic dental revolution. Composite restorative materials adhere or "bond" to the surface of the tooth. Though not as hard or long lasting as porcelain, bonding with composite materials is the most conservative method to enhance the appearance of a smile. Layering multiple colors of tooth-colored filling materials onto the outside surface of a tooth can recreate the appearance of natural tooth structure.
Anterior Composite Bonding
Direct Bonding can be used to create appropriate sized lateral incisors and canines.

Anterior Composite Bonding with Laser Gum Sculpting
Direct Bonding with Laser gum re-sculpting can create well proportioned lateral incisors and a beautiful smile.

Tooth-Colored Restorations
The initial restoration of decayed teeth can be accomplished invisibly using direct composite restorations.

The replacement of moderate sized defective amalgam restorations can be accomplished with direct placement composite restorations.